I am a heritage consultant specialising in built heritage with the Bathurst Team. I moved to Melbourne from Sri Lanka to pursue my university studies, earning a Bachelor’s in Construction and a Master of Urban Cultural Heritage. Before joining the Bathurst Team, I worked as a heritage consultant in Melbourne, where I gained experience in heritage impact assessments, interpretation, design advice, dilapidation surveys, and conservation policies.



My passion for history has been a constant since childhood, particularly an interest in architectural history, with a focus on Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. I am deeply fascinated by the design history of cultural environments and landscape heritage.


My artefact is my Fujifilm Polaroid camera, which I purchased in 2016 after saving up for it. This was my first major purchase as a teenager, making it especially memorable. I've always enjoyed flipping through my parents' old photograph albums and wanted to create my own collection. Over the past 9 years, this camera has been a constant companion, capturing my journey from school in Sri Lanka to my professional life as an adult in Australia. It has helped me preserve some of my most cherished memories, significant milestones, and the beloved people in my life.

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