Your multiservice partner in heritage and environment

When you partner with Artefact, you’ll receive timely and accurate advice on how to integrate archaeology, heritage and environmental considerations into your project plans.

Whether it’s a greenfields development site or a deep CBD excavation, Artefact offers the knowledge, skills and advice to rapidly respond to your needs. For instance, when we worked with Transport for NSW and GHD to develop a major bus interchange in the heart of Newcastle, Artefact offered a full suite of services. We assisted with Aboriginal cultural consultation and historical archaeology assessments, to ensure that works were targeted, compliant and carefully documented. Our team also captured the details of structures before demolition, then provided innovative heritage interpretation outcomes that both engaged and respected the local community.

Artefact includes specialists across key fields of archaeology and heritage. More importantly, with almost 50 staff we can assemble a skilled in-house team targeted to your specific requirements.  For a personal response to your heritage needs, don’t hesitate to ask how we can tailor an integrated solution to suit your plans, your timeline and your budget.

Covering all of your heritage needs in one place.

Explore our full range of services, or contact us via the Let's Talk button.

For information about our current and past work, please search via the map below (LGA and type of service provided), noting that Aboriginal sites are not currently listed due to cultural sensitivities.

© ARTEFACT 2025        PRIVACY