All Saints Church

Artefact was engaged by WSP Australia to provide heritage advice for minor excavations and drainage works on the grounds of the All Saints Anglican Church in Parramatta.

Due to the nature of the site as a local heritage listed item, our expertise was sought to evaluate the proposed works and assist in ensuring the integrity of the Church and the surrounding area.

We assessed the Church, as well as the historical context and potential Aboriginal significance placed upon the land. Our assessment anticipated  no physical impacts to the Church during the works.

Historical archaeological assessment did identify the site as having high potential for archaeological remains, for which Artefact provided Archaeologists on call in the event of finds during excavation.

Image courtesy of All Saints Anglican Church. 


Artefact’s specialist Heritage Consultants attended the site to review construction works and evaluated the grounds and building. We also developed a detailed history of the Church which provided a valuable context for our assessments.

This analysis gave insight into 228 years of colonial history with the grounds of the church used for farming prior to the land being donated to the local parish.

Construction of the church building began in the mid-1800s. The land and greater region of Parramatta are also known to be at the centre of traditional Darug Country and was investigated for Aboriginal significance by Artefact’s Aboriginal Heritage Team. 


Our research of the area revealed a high potential for colonial finds such as early construction materials, farming tools and remains of previous buildings.

With this knowledge Artefact’s team remained on call while the works were carried out.

The new drainage works were successfully carried out by Fulton Hogan with the notable discovery of a remnant iron door scraper which was assessed by our archaeologist and left in-situ following completion of the works. 

“Artefact’s Aboriginal and Historical assessments, and recommended risk mitigating measures, gave the construction team and consent authorities knowledge and confidence that major impacts from the works were unlikely. When interesting historical relics were uncovered, Artefact was in place to record and evaluate the items, avoiding unnecessary project disruption.

Scott MacArthur, Principal - Built Environment

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