An energetic endeavour

The Menangle Park urban development area, south of the Campbelltown town centre, is planned to grow to 4,000 residential lots, a town centre, employment lands and commercial areas. Endeavour Energy must ensure a safe and reliable electricity supply to meet the initial forecast electricity network load demand for Menangle Park Village, the Menangle Park Raceway and the surrounding areas.


Endeavour Energy proposed to establish a new mobile interim Menangle Park Zone Substation to service the initial Menangle Park electricity load growth. This required a new underground electricity network transmission feeder connection between the Transgrid Macarthur Bulk Supply Point and the new Zone Substation.

Clinton Jurd – the then Senior Environmental Specialist at Endeavour Energy – developed a review of environmental factors (REF) environmental assessment. The REF included comprehensive assessments of noise, visual amenity, flora, fauna, heritage, archaeology, traffic and bushfire risk associated with the construction and Substation operation.

The Substation development involved site benching earthworks and underground feeder construction adjacent to and through sensitive heritage areas, including the State Heritage Register ‘Glenlee’ property. Clinton commissioned Artefact to assess the heritage and assist with permits.


Endeavour Energy sought community feedback and all comments received were considered/incorporated into the final REF. Following this, the new Substation and transmission feeder project was approved; subject to heritage permit conditions to protect  ‘Glenlee’ heritage property, and subject to other environmental protection and management requirements to mitigate potential impacts during construction.

With a long background in electricity infrastructure and a drive a to leave our planet and home better than we have it, I’m highly motivated to be involved in energy transition projects for a renewable energy future.”

Clinton Jurd
Principal & Team Leader, Environmental Planning

The new Zone Substation and underground transmission feeder were subsequently constructed with no environmental impacts.

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