I'm A Senior Heritage Consultant with the Aboriginal Heritage Team specialising in stone tools.

During my career I've worked in excavation and artefact analysis on projects in Western Asia, along with extensive lithic analysis for various consulting projects in Australia.

I have extensive experience in heritage management, data collection and artefact analysis, along with archaeological surveying, testing and salvage excavations.  



My personal interest is the stone tool making process as well as knapping techniques. I'm also passionate about stone tool analysis and identification.

I believe that "every time we hold objects our fingerprints touch our ancestors."

I've conducted surveys in remote areas and have experience recording Aboriginal heritage sites. I've also prepared Aboriginal Heritage Assessments in consultation with Traditional Owners.

Throughout my career I've also been involved in education. I've tutored in-field courses and have mentored Honours and Masters students. I've also had practical teaching experience in excavation, surveying techniques and recording of artefacts.


This is an ‘evil eye’ which I received as a gift during my last overseas trip.

Evil eyes were symbols for keeping ‘bad spirits’ away since the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean. It is believed that spirits intending to cause harm will reflect from the evil eyes’ surface and protect the person from injury.  

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