As an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Officer working in Artefact's Country and Culture Team I assist with Community consultation by liaising with Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Traditional Owners and other stakeholders.

My role involves conducting research, site visits, and supporting the team to produce Connecting with Country Reports and Cultural Values Assessments for Artefact's clients. 



I immediately knew that I wanted to work in cultural heritage when I did my first archaeological excavation at the Western Sydney Airport site back in 2019. At the time I was employed as a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) and my role involved looking for Aboriginal artefacts. After that I worked as a RAP on a variety of other sites including jobs undertaken by Artefact. 

Before arriving that I worked in a few different industry’s including warehousing and logistics and as a payroll officer at the Reserve Bank of Australia.


My artefact is a gold watch. I’ve had it since 2019 when it was given to me as a gift for my 18th birthday. 

This item really stands out to me more then anything and I hold it close to my heart. It signifies the special memories I have of my brother-in-law who has sadly since passed away. 

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