Invasion Day

In 2023 Artefact will be providing team members with the option of working as normal on the 26 January and taking the following day off instead (27 January). This is to recognise the hurtful nature of the date of ‘Australia Day’ to First Nations people, and to support the movement to change the date. 


'As a business owner I have an ethical duty to stand by what I believe in and to be authentic in actioning that.' Dr Sandra Wallace, Managing Director, Artefact Heritage

Sandra highlighted that our lawyers, Marque Laywers, made the decision to stop acknowledging January 26 as a public holiday about five years ago. 'We would like to see Australia Day celebrated on a day that isn’t hurtful to a part of the population, which it clearly is,' Mike Bradley, Managing Partner, Marque Lawyers

Top - Detail of Invasion I (c) Gordon Syron
Left - Detail of Userpers Invasion Day (c) Gordon Syron
Right - Detail of Untitled (c) Gordon Syron 

The paintings featured here are by award winning Biripi/Worimi painter Gordon Syron. Many of Syron's works feature themes of oppression and disposession and he has painted hundreds of versions of 'Invasion' and 'The Red Coats are coming' to depict Invasion Day and the day that life changed irrevocable and disasterously for Aboriginal people. Many of these works are held in national collections and galleries in Australia. 

© ARTEFACT 2025        PRIVACY