I’m a graduate heritage consultant here at Artefact. Currently I help the Aboriginal and historical archaeology team prepare reports by doing background historical research using archives and databases, as well as assisting with field surveys.



A highlight from my studies at the University of Wollongong was producing an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report for Windang Island in Shellharbour. I was able to gain experience in site surveying by recording shell middens, stone tools and landforms. I was able to research the history and landscape context of the island, with the purpose of understanding how a proposed walkway would affect potential Aboriginal artefacts on the island. It was really satisfying being able to bring all that research and data together into one succinct and comprehensive report. It’s probably my best work from uni, and something I’m very proud of.


My artefact is my graduation cap. I’ve chosen it because reminding me of all the hard work I put into my degrees, and through which I’ve grown a deeper love for history – particularly social and ethnographic histories. Additionally, this cap reminds me of so many wonderful stories from my time at university. I was able to move overseas on my own at 19, meet lifelong friends and unexpectedly, my husband! It’s just a great memento for a crazy last 5 years!

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